31 May 2012

Indoor Picnic

Shirt- Topshop
Necklace- Topshop (sale)

OK so these pictures aren't the best but I just didn't want to put my face on here today (whats new) and as usual the hair is back up in a topknot where it belongs half a day was enough.
Continuing with my wardrobe challenge (3 days... doing well) I got this shirt yonks ago when I used to work for Topshop and it was always something I used to reach for as a backup but over the years its just been pushed further and further back into my wardrobe so today I dragged it out (un-ironed) and wore it with my American Apparel disco pant style leggings and a massive necklace that I found in the sale at Topshop and I am still in two minds about but I like it with this shirt. 
I had an indoor picnic with my friends Joanna and Jillian today and it was A-MA-ZING, we got fresh rolls (still hot YUM), different cheeses and salad and loads of juices, biscuits crisps oh and a massive chippy pizza. I also tried Reese's Pieces for the first time, died and went to heaven, almost as good as KitKat Peanut Butter, maybe better. 
I ordered a dress of eBay a while back and it arrived this morning, never felt so fat in my life the dress wouldn't even go over my bum and I don't exactly have a massive bum or I didn't think I did. Luckily the lovely seller has agreed to give me a refund I just have to find the time to get to a post office.
I am doing a fashion show the Glasgow based fashion store CRUISE tomorrow (woopty woop) at Gleneagles hotel so I am super excited (don't know what to wear), this means there may not be a an outfit post for a few days unless I manage to snap some shot before I leave tomorrow as I am working all day Saturday too. 
I've been wearing my hair wavy the last few days seen as it is actually long enough to get the wavers in, I am starting to much prefer it to straight so no doubt this will be my new addiction. 
I want to wear something union jacky for the weekend but don't actually think I own anything like that... hmmmm

30 May 2012


Pretty photo heavy blog post today but I was dancing and felt I needed to include some of my rocking moves. 
Dress- ASOS (Cheap Monday) 
Necklace- eBay
Rings- eBay
  • Today is a first for my hair... Leaving the house with my hair down. I had really long hair then really short hair then really long again then stupidly cut it all off again in July last year and I find it really hard to wear it down as I absolutely hate it but today I braved my fears and had it down all the way to the shops and back... then quickly put it back up. It has grown a bit (it was cut into my neck and round my ears) but I really don't like it. It needs a cut to get some shape back in because I got an A-symmetric cut. (maybe I'll show you one day)
  • Continuing my WARDROBE RENEWAL challenge. I dug this dress out of my wardrobe after thinking about clothes I haven't worn and this happens to be something I have never actually worn out the house. I do not understand why? I really like it. Its a really soft material (if not a bit see through) so its super comfy. I wore my lace edged cycling shorts (not really seen) underneath to save my dignity and save me having to wear shorts underneath which are a bit bulky for such a thin dress. Genuinely think the cycling shorts are the best investment ever!!! They allow you to wear slightly to short dresses/skirts etc without showing the bits you shouldn't show, if you know what I mean.  
  • I got the necklace I am wearing off eBay for an absolute steal for like £2 (link at the top) it came from Hong Kong so I was expecting a couple of weeks delivery but it arrived after about a week, including the weekend. I have a bit of an eBay addiction right now. 
  • The wardrobe renewal challenge is actually quite hard but I've seen so many things in my wardrobe that I still don't want to wear for my challenge so I have put them in a pile for selling or for the charity shop. I went over my idea for the challenge with Kirstie and we thought of a few things that I could try so fingers crossed. As I said the original idea of doing a few different things a day was a fail but I actually prefer doing it as a daily outfit thing, its much more challenging and fun. 
Bit of a long winded post today but I am in one of those moods where I just want to talk away but there is nobody here ha everyone has gone home or started their new fancy jobs "GET A PROPER JOB AMBER, GAWD" but I think if there actually was someone here I wouldn't have much to say. I think I am just in a funny mood today. 
If you follow the blog on Twitter @AMBRISSA you will see that I am on the hunt for POPTARTS and have yet to find them :-(

29 May 2012

Bourjois 1 Second Nail

Ok so something a bit different this time... 
The bloggersphere has been going mad about this product so I had to try it for myself.
The bottle is a good size for the price (£4.99) and is basically a nail polish remover soaked sponge inside with a hole. The idea is to twist your nail in the sponge and eh viola polish is gone (in 1 second). I have to admit this is probably the best nail polish remover I've used but I wouldn't say its only a quick finger twist action needed or a one second remover. The sponge moves with your finger so you have to sort of wiggle your nail around and it takes probably 4/5 seconds but in all honesty.. who cares? It is still super fast, and I don't think it would quite sell as "NEW BOURJOIS 4 OR 5 SECOND REMOVER" ehhh nah.
One more thing, it has an almond smell that stops the remover being overly strong smelling (headache inducing most of the time) which is a nice change and it leaves your nails clean and moisturized. Blisssss. 
Apologies for the lack of pictures I didn't fancy opening the bottle for long as I have a headache and regardless of how it doesn't smell to strongly... its still polish remover.

Oh oh one more...It even removes that annoyingly addictive polish that we all love to use.. glitter. Just soak your nail for a few seconds then wiggle and viola its gone. 
All in all I would recommend this product its a good size for its money and it saves a lot of time and mess. 

Please Excuse The Thing On My Shoulders

Blouse- Vintage
Skirt- Topshop
Belt- Topshop (was attached to shorts)
Ring- eBay

  • Apologies for the awful picture quality I just couldn't seem to take any today, obviously just having one of those days. My plan was to do a WARDROBE RENEWAL post and pick 5 or so blouses/tops to bring back to the front of my wardrobe and then try it with dresses etc etc but my camera was apparently not wanting to play that game so I thought instead I will try and do it individually through the week, starting yesterday with that Topshop dress I wore to the loch. Weel see how it goes.. maybe even try not to buy anything until I leave... OOOO CHALLENGE ACCEPTED... maybe. 
  • Anyway today's outfit is this wee blouse I found in a charity shop its from Etam? Anyone remember that place? Dont think they even exist anymore. Looking at the pictures again I dont know if I actually like it with this skirt... maybe I should of worn skinny skinny jeans? Yes I should of. I'm sure it was Rebecca and I that were on our lunch and decided to have a browse and we both left with floral blouses from Etam. 
  • I woke up with a horrible headache today so instead of my normal post madness this will probably be the only one and I may just go back to bed.
  • Burn from yesterday browning nicely. 

28 May 2012

£5 notes from a cash machine... WHAAAAAAAT, Chillin on a stone, amazing views, Alex attempting to catch a fish, Harry, BUUUURN, Alex with his manly bucket, Harry easing himself into the water, Loch Lubnaig.

Had such an amazing day today with Alex and Harry. We attempted fish and chips in Callander but it was just too hot to sit and eat chips so we just carried on to the lake. We crossed over to the other side where it was quiet so that Harry could run around off the lead (and swim-ish). Also.. these wee fish kept trying to bite my toes, it was like of those fish pedicures... put me off ever getting one it was horrible. GET OF ME TOES!!
Home now and Harry is sound asleep sprawled across my dressing gown and I am burnt. All in all a good day in the sun :-D

Picnics and Paddling

Dress- Topshop
Necklace- Miss Selfridge
Nails- Models Own Hedonist
  • Today I am going to Callander then Loch Lubnaig with my friend Alex and Harry (no doubt a picture post to follow). Callander for fish and chips at the water then the loch for a paddle. Alex got a new car for a graduation present (Lucky Boy) so weer taking it for a spin and killing 3 birds with one stone. 
  • It is still so hot so I wore my ancient Topshop concession dress that I got about two summers ago and it seems to make at least one appearance a year, I've debated selling it over and over again but cant bring myself to do it. The necklace I'm wearing, don't know if you can actually see it, was an absolute steal from Miss Selfridge, I think it was £2 in the sale and its so cool. It does look a lot better with a black dress but I needed a long necklace for today and felt like this one would do. I'm also doing the unthinkable and not wearing any rings because I don't want them to go all tarnished in the water.  (While I was lifting Harry out the water I broke the necklace, TOTEZ BOO, possibly fixable though)
  • Would seriously love if people could take like three seconds to follow the blog with the JOIN THIS SITE link on the right hand side, you don't have to be a Google member, you can follow with twitter or Yahoo or create an account in two seconds. Every follow means so much and helps get our wee blog noticed.
Please and Thanks in advance. 

27 May 2012

Happy Campers

Motorhome, Ribbons I bought to use as bows, The best Fish and Chips, A drawing I found from years ago, the river in Melrose, Sunshine, Amazing scallops and black pudding YUM, Tesco with an underground multistory car park, Jay sound asleep on the first day at lunch time, KITKAT PEANUT BUTTER, Pies, OOTD, Peas, more peas, awesome picnic and the front of the motorhome.
As you all know, because I have talked about it way to much,  Jay and I went away to Melrose for a few days to celebrate being all done with uni YAYZ. We had such a lovely time and I don't think I have ever eaten so much in my life. We just kept going back to the shops for MORE food. 
Melrose is such a beautiful little town, there is cute wee shops and an amazing river so with the weather as amazing as it was we managed to spend the whole time outside. I now have a burnt knee, ouch.  We have had no internet connection the whole time but it was actually quite nice being cut off from the world of social networking ha although there were so many things I was dying to INSTAGRAM.
When we first arrived we had a TOTES AMAZBALLS BBQ with mum and dad before they left with steak and salad and sausages etc etc... the works. The first full day we were there we went up to Galashiels to get some food from M&S (more food) and then went for a wander round the wee town. We picked up a massive back of Italian Peas (fooooood) and worked our way through them before dinner sooo good. 
We ended up staying another night because my shift at work on Saturday got cancelled and it was way to nice to head back to Stirling so mum and dad said it was fine to thief their motorhome for another night. So worth it the next day we went down the river with a picnic, it was further away than we thought but wandered on. It was amazing. 
Today I headed back early because I forgot my work stuff and my shift got cancelled when I was about 20 mins from Stirling so I could have stayed with my mum and dad for one more night but hey ho, I went to work anyway ha then went home again because it was so hot and quiet. Instead I met Jo and we took Harry on a huge walk up the hills and we went paddling in the river (never even knew it existed) such a better idea than working. 
I know this post is probably boring you to tears but I have had such a good weekend I just had to share it and tomorrow Alex and I are going to Loch Lomond with Harry for another day in the sun. (expect another post like this) NAE WANDER I IS BURNT!!!!

Here Comes The Sun

Top- Zara, Skirt- Topshop (old), Necklace- eBay
Long time no see... well like 3 days. 
This is what I wore to go down to Melrose with Jay, I needed something uber light and comfy because it was super hot. This is another one of those Zara backless T shirts but I didn't take a picture of the back for some reason. This skirt is such an old Topshop number that I never ever wear, it is one of those skirts that is tight at the hem and baggy everywhere else so it sits funny from the side. Also please ignore the mess of my face it was so hot and I was so full of hay fever I didn't want to put to much makeup on. 
There will be a post later about the wee trip and lots of pictures too, I get very snap happy when I go anywhere that's not my flat or even sometimes in my flat. 
Oh yeah... this wee necklace was a great find on eBay (link under the picture) its like a knitted rosary necklace.. sounds odd but I absolutely love it, its a bit more fun than the standard Topman/NewLook rosary's.  
Must dash... work to do. I did actually get m shift cancelled but I am an idiot and left Melrose super early instead of waiting to see if I was still working so I could of spent the day in the sun once mum and dad arrived to pick the motor-home up. Doosh.

24 May 2012

I Dont Wanna Be Anything...

Tshirt- Primark, Skirt- H&M, Necklace- Miss Selfridge
Ignore the stupid face I am pulling, I was full of hayfever and trying to dance. Not a good combination.
Ok so one problem with this skirt... I love it... but it makes my hips look super huge when I wear it like this, I need to wear super tight tops with it and I am not a fan of that so I just have to look a bit wider than usual ha. This top was an absolute bargain from Pradamark, £8 can you believe it. I had it on with leggings originally but it was so similar to another bloggers outfit that I have seen and I didn't want to do a blog dupe so I put on a skirt instead, manners and all that. 
Again I am wearing my YSL-esque ring, just cant enough of it just now. Got lots of wee packages coming in the next couple of weeks from eBay, lots of jewelry. Woops.  
Burn is still sore. 

23 May 2012

Burnt Toast

So today I got burnt... We went down the lake with a ton of fishing stuff to look for fish, walk Harry and get some sun. We had a wee bag packed for Harry with a Nandos dip pot for his water, bags and a treat we also packed ourselves a hefty packed lunch/snacks. I did an outfit post earlier but obviously thats not what I wore today it was from my wee stash. It was so hot down the lake that I have burnt all across my back and shoulders (boo) so I have now changed my outfits for Melrose and everything now covers my shoulders. Kirstie wrote some lovely stuff about me on her beauty blog today, shes got some great reviews, go have a wee browse, I also got an email from the eBay store (JEWEL BOX) that I reviewed saying such nice things about my blog (AWWW) Over all it has been such a nice day and I'm glad I actually got to spend some time in the sun.
I know this isn't an outfit post or anything like that but I also think I will include wee posts like this every once in a while :-) Opinions?
Could people please give the blog a wee follow with the JOIN THIS SITE option. Would really appreciate it :-)


Date with the Sun

Top- Zara, Skirt- H&M, Necklace- Miss Selridges Ring- eBay
So its the big hips skirt again, can you tell I like it? I got this top from Zara with the voucher I got from the girls from uni for my birthday, I had to have it. You just don't expect the back when you see it. I got a striped one too which will no doubt appear on here at some point. They are such a soft material and are just oh so lovely. 
I am getting so excited about going away for a couple of days, I think I need out of Stirling, developing cabin fever here. Really starting to look forward to moving as well which is so scary.
(This isn't actually what I wore today as I spent the day in leggings and a strappy top sitting at the lake at uni, post to follow. I am sooo burnt!!!)

22 May 2012

Aye Aye Cap'n

T Shirt- M&S, Skirt- Topshop, Belt- Vintage, Necklace- Vintage, Dog- Harry
Today has been one those days that has just flown by, I really don't understand how it is  5 o'clock already! 

  • SO... after seeing a jumper on a blog I decided I had to have it, there was no if or buts about it, it needed to be mine... I was straight on the Topshop website scouring for it but it was nowhere to be seen, then said blogger tweeted me back (yay) saying it was sold out, gutted isn't the word (yes I am very passionate about clothes and I get obsessed over things) so I called customer service and called the Topshop I used to work in to try and call a favor just to try and track it down but nope, not there and CS told me to call back in the morning to get the buying team... very long story short (trying to keep my posts a bit shorter) I rang round every store I could think of including English ones that I maybe had a relative close to that could post me it (I wasn't kidding when I said I get obsessed) to find it after the buying team told me there was none left and that it wouldn't be coming back (a similar but not the same is coming back this week but... it just wouldn't do) so last resort I tried the big Topshop in Glasgow again after not getting through the first 2 times. The sales girl told me they had it... "TOTES" excited... but it wasn't THE ONE... "TOTES" gutted... then the sales girl beside her interrupted asking if "this" was the one, it was, in my size, literally just been returned in the time I was on the phone. Meant to be or what??? So I got in my car and I went to Glasgow. Sad? I don't care, I am in love. 
  • Anyway, My outfit today is pretty simple, this skirt is an absolute winner and I adore it, goes with everything and doesn't give me massive hips like everything else does and threw on a Marks and Spencer T because I was just planning on walking Harry with Kirstie and Natalia, cleaning and running to Glasgow. Comfort was the way forward today. As you can see Harry loves being in front of the camera. Kirstie then came over to borrow some bits of clothes for her night out tonight, she was exhausted trying to pull and squeeze things out of my wardrobe. Laundry day is a nightmare.
  • Bit of a blab today I think, feel like I'm just sort of thinking out loud, I have been doing it all day, also cant get my signature to work on here for some reason so I am stuck with just plain old "amber" today. Anybody fancy showing me how/making me a signature strip?

21 May 2012


Today, Harry and I met Kirstie from coffeeandcakes for a walk round the big lake/loch at uni. It was so hot but I insisted on taking a hoodie round with me just in case I ended up in some shadows (I get cold super fast) but didn't even need it also please excuse the "fuggs" (fake uggs) they are my dog walking shoes not really intended to be worn with this dress, So... could summer really be here?

Harry got a bit hot so I shared my mango frappachino with him. I also gave him a kiss forgetting I had bright red lipstick on giving him a wee red nose. Soon rubbed off on the grass. He wanted to talk to every person we passed and jumped into numerous groups of girls lounging on the grass, I think he was the most popular guy on campus today... stud.
I actually think the lake at uni is one of my most favorite places to be, its so nice all year round and you kind of forget your even at uni.
Where is you most favorite place?

Harold Runstaman

Dress- Topshop via eBay, Gillet- Topshop Sale, Necklace- Topshop, Rings- ASOS (similar) & eBay.
Today I have a special guest star :-) HARRY!!! or Harold Runstaman as Jay calls him. He is a little Jack-Chi. 
Because I have Harry here I'm going for the comfy look, need to take the wee monkey for a big walk round the lake at uni and wear him out a bit, he has so much energy it is unreal. This dress was "one that got away" when it was in Topshop ages ago and I was devastated when I kept NOT buying it so when I saw it on eBay I had to have it, and for a fraction of the price as well (link above). I also got this gillet as a wee bargain in the Topshop sale. They call me Hunter... Bargain Hunter HA so not funny. I am also wearing another YSL style ring, addiction much? the seller was so lovely and I was so chuffed when the ring arrived, its totally different from the other ones I got. I will try and put a closer/better picture up of it soon. Maybe tomorrow?
Meeting Kirstie at 2 to go walkies and maybe get a coffee (or an ice tea for me), also need to post two 2 metre iPhone chargers to Dundee for Fiona and Helen, I ordered them on my eBay but the address was obviously mine. Honestly the best things ever, iPhone chargers are so short and these massive cables are such a good idea, even ordered one for my dad for his iPad aswell :-) such a good idea.
Anyhoo, stuff to do people to see.
Have a nice day Y'all.


20 May 2012


Leggings-American Apparel ASOS, Blouse- Topshop, Jumper- Ralph Lauren Outlet, Ring- eBay, Necklace- H&M, Boots- Zara

This morning Jay took me for breakfast at a wee cafe in town called TOAST, I had an amazing panini (do not know how to spell that) with chicken tikka and mozzarella, bit early for that I know but it was gooood. Inspired by Fiona's order at baguette express on Thursday. 
Surprisingly this is the first time I have worn this shirt, I got it for my birthday in March from my mum and dad after pining over it for so long, probably since Christmas and for some reason I haven't worn it. Now I've worn today I am in love all over again :-), its not in stock anymore but they have a sleeveless version which is on my list for summer :-P The jumper came from the Ralph Lauren outlet in Gretna, I insist on stopping here every time Jay and I pass because there are always some amazing bargains. The ring is the black version of what I spoke about in my YSL Rings post the other day. Decided on comfort for today as I have a Mount Everest amount of washing to do today and what not.
Also want to say a massive thanks to everyone that has viewed our blog so far, weer almost on a massive 1000 views in just a week, would really appreciate if you would take a minute to sign up to follow our blog as well, all you need to do is click "Join This Site" on the right hand side of the blog and you can sign in through twitter or Google, if you have neither it takes two seconds to sign up for a Google account then you can follow so many great blogs out there. Please and Thanks.
Also... Could you please maybe possibly HYPE this look on LOOKBOOK 

18 May 2012

Black and White Eyes

Blazer- Primark, Belt-Vintage, Shorts- River Island, Necklace- Topshop, Ring- eBay
Been back at mum and dads today so havnt really done much except eat and spend time with parents. 
Dundee was great and I ate enough Indian to last me a week. Also, I am such an enabler making Fiona spend money because I cant and trying to get Fiona and Helen onto the eBay addiction train.
THIS is the £2 bargain blazer from Primark, its a bit big but for £2 I dont care ha. These shorts are from River Island from ageeees ago but I dragged them out recently after seeing Marissa in a similar (nicer) pair and it reminded me about them , only downfall of the shorts is that the laser cut sticks to your tights! Frustrating!!
Oh also my black YSL-esque ring (eBay) arrived that I mentioned in a previous post, (here)..I LOVE IT! Only thing is I think I ordered a size to small as it only fits my ring finger boo but to be honest I dont care because it looks fine and it will go with EVERYTHING!!! 
Got lots of outfit posts ready to be put up so I'll maybe to some intense blogging on Sunday if I get a chance. 
Any hoo, short post today. Off to work to serve some pizzzza from Italia.


16 May 2012

YSL Arty-esque

YSL Arty Style Ring- eBay
Nails- Models Own- Beach Party 

I wanted to take a bit of time and review a great seller on I've come across on eBay, I have been lusting over the YSL Arty rings forever (or since they came out) but sadly I don't have a spare £200 lying around so I trawled eBay for a wee looky likey and was so happy when I found jewelbox_uk, I ordered this ring on the 12th of May and it arrived this morning (obviously need to take into consideration I ordered it on a Saturday night) so it arrived super fast. As soon as I tried it on I loved it, it was a bit big so I taped some selo-tape round the band to make it a bit more snug... So this morning I emailed the seller to say I was super chuffed with my ring and that I wanted to order another for the weekend but in black, within minutes I got a lovely email back from them saying that they would post the ring before 12 to make sure I got it for the weekend and then asked me what size, colour and knuckle length I wanted in several emails back and forward(yes it even come in different lengths for those with short/longer fingers). This extra piece of communication really made it worth while and I will definitely be repurchasing from the jewelbox_uk, the service was amazing and they really care about their customers rather than most who just care about getting the money into their PayPal. 
That wee extra step to ensure that you are happy with what you are buying is a must have in any shop if you ask me, I've basically always worked in retail so I always seem to compare the service I get to the service I would give somebody myself and I must admit I don't even think I would be bothered to receive about 9 emails from some random girl blabbing on about how much she loves the YSL ones and what sizes the ring bands are bla bla bla I would definitely of given up, but they didn't, they answered all my questions and then... told me to have a nice day, LOVE THAT!! So I got my perfect YSL-esque ring for an amazing price of £4.99, save myself around £180 with that one, Woop. 
The shop sell lots of different things like geek glasses with Hello Kitty Bows on them which are amazingly sweet and so many different lovely rings and jewelry.
Check them out, its worth a wee look

Dundizzle ma Nizzle

Dress-Topshop, Belt- Vintage, Necklace- Topshop, Ring- Tomorrows post ;-)
Seriously need to master the looking at the camera thing.

I'm going to Dundee today to see my friends Fiona and Helen to go for a buffet (YUM) then get loads of junk food and watch films, one of which is Forest Gump (I have never seen this film) this is why I opted for the comfiest thing I could find in my wardrobe, this dress ridiculously still had its tags on and I have had it for about a year, I wore it into town to get lots of sweets for tonight teamed with a big fuzzy cardigan that Jay got me for my Christmas but I can only wear it for a wee while because its itchy but I LOVE it (will no doubt appear in a post at some point but I don't have a link). Tonight I think I will go for a big, baggy, cozy, comfy zipped hoody, classy.I also just realized that I have no bracelets on the pictures.. this is very unusual for me usually I have about 5/6 bracelets on, from charm bracelets to wee hand made ones, I like to mix and match my casual and smart as well as gold and silver jewelry, always have. 
I bought the new DKNY meringue perfume a few weeks ago and love it but decided to have a scoosh of the pink one (don't know what its called) wasn't such a fan, I think it was maybe a bit too sweet so I will stick with my yellow one :-)
I'm going to do a review of a few eBay sellers I've used over the next few days, hopefully have it scheduled to go up tomorrow but will probably go up Friday as I am running so late, standard, and I'm going back to my mum and dads for the night on Thursday, I think they have empty nest syndrome since my sister left for Holland so I'm going home to relieve them of this syndrome with one child, maybe. I love going back to my parents house for a couple of days its such a break from everything and I get to see my wee dog Chancer and the rabbits and just get to spend some real time with my parents, its not the same over the phone, I cant get cuddles or hot water bottles oh and soup, my mum makes the best soup EVER. FACT. There is always a new flavor waiting for me to the taste test on, last time it was spicy sweet potato soup, oh my days it was amazing, blew the roof of my mouth of but was so worth it. Then of course dad gives me loads of dad advice about my "next step" in my life (full time job ahhhh) but it is nice just to be around them and chill out in the house :-) nothing beats home comforts. 
Anyway enough of that... got an amazing bargain in Primark today... a gorgeous striped blazer for... wait for it... TWO GREAT BRITISH POUNDS!!! £2. I am wearing it tomorrow so didn't want to ruin the surprise by putting up a picture but it is smashing!
What is the best bargain you have ever found? I love this stuff, just give us a wee comment... 

15 May 2012

Lost My Keys...

Tshirt- Zara, Belt- Vintage, Skirt- Topshop, Necklace-H&M, Rings- JWLRY ASOS, Nails- Models Own Beach Party & Hedonist
Having a bad face day.
Today is a bit of a sloppy day, I have so much housework to before my friends from my old work (Topshop) come round for pizza night, the flat is such a mess and Jay is at uni all day so I'll be doing it all myself unless Harry decides to help me. 
This top and skirt are both super comfy as their both that soft jersey material, perfect for a day in the house and nipping out to walk the dog/Sainsbury. I absolutely love this Zara T, I saw it and without even a bit of thought I just bought it. I got it in a M because as you will soon notice I wear most things big. The belt was a treasure find in the charity shop near my mum and dads house, the have an eBay site too with all sort of great finds. I once got a vintage Gucci handbag for an amazing price from them. 
Trying my luck on LOOKBOOK and CHICTOPIA to get the blog a bit more noticed, weev had 500 readers in the last 3 days YAY!! but not so many followers (4 Boo) but its early days yet :-)
Tomorrow I'm going to Dundee to see Fiona for a good old catch up and some cocktails, Fiona and I have been best friends for a good 18 years even with me leaving school for college then both of us going to university in different cities. I haven't got a clue what to wear. I'm not very good at planning these things in advance, usually when I plan an outfit I change it last minute.
I also decided last night that I am going postpone going down to England so soon and go to Holland to visit my sister for a few weeks with mum and dad in their motor home and Chancer of course, the head to England on the way back through with all my stuff squished into the boot of the motor home, plus my car, plus mums car. My sister Fearn moved to Holland to work on a show jumping yard for an Olympic rider, I am so used to talking to her on the phone everyday and seeing her at least every few weeks, I miss her like crazy so it will be so nice to go over and spend some proper time with her and my mum and dad, Chancer of course. 
I feel like trying a new pizza for pizza date night tonight, I work at pizzahut so I usually eat the same thing- Terri Special - Ham, Chilies and Goats Cheese YUM... but I fancy a change, any ideas? 


14 May 2012

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Week in pictures...

Week In Pictures
I've seen these on a few blogs and thought I would give it a go, turned out quite cool after all, although it is a bit boring because I haven't done much except work and play with the blog but hey worth a shot.

  • This is basically my first week and a bit extra of our blog being up... Our first ever post, Sam Edelman boots, first post, Chancer, Harry, Harry, ASOS, Monki, Monki outfit post, first outfit post, and again, and ice cream with Jay (cookies and cream). 
  • Marissa is swamped with exams and uni work just now (I'm the lucky one finishing in April, everyone else still seems to have work due, possibly the reason I have been so bored... no friends to play with) so I apologize for my intense blogging, we have lots of ideas for the next few weeks to fill our blog with things that interest us, so hopefully will interest you too :-) 
  • In the next couple of months I'm moving down South so there will be very few joint posts as I will be a good 500 miles away from Marissa *sob* and everyone else from up here *sob sob* but there will of course be our own separate posts and twice the amount of posts makes twice the amount of fun. Yes?

Beans and Sausages

Cardigan-Topshop, Shirt- Monki, Leggings- Topshop, Necklaces- HM, Rings- JWLRY&ASOS

The post arrived this morning and I was super excited to open my parcel, it was my first ever purchase from Monki so I was looking forward to trying it out. I bought the white boy fit shirt, so happy with it. Its a good length to be worn with leggings or even on its own as it covers all the necessary parts and its so comfy and loose so could be easily worn from day to night. Chuffed. Was a bit worried about ordering from a shop I had ordered from before, quality, size, fit etc are always something to keep in mind. I ordered the shirt in M/L as I like to wear things big (not a fan of the bodycon) it maybe is a wee bit to big so should of gone for the XS/S but I still love it. So either the sizes are bang on or a bit big. I will probably go for XS/S when I repurchase... which I no doubt will. The quality is pretty good too, the material is soft and comfy, only thing is the shirt is a bit thin so would have to wear something underneath. They have so many nice dresses that I already have on my wish list :-P
Not doing much today, nip to town and get some bits and I have a mountainous pile of washing to try and get at least half way through by tomorrow as I've got my old work mates (Topshop) coming over for pizza and a gossip.
These pictures make me look super short I think, or maybe its because I usually have a slight heel on. 
Totally unrelated but does anyone know when the SAAS loan date is?

13 May 2012

Snowing In May

Shirt- Topshop, 
Skirt- H&M, Belt- Vintage, Boots- Topshop, Necktie- Haberdashery, Rings- JWLRY, ASOS
Apologies for the awful photo quality and dodgy edits this is the first ever outfit post I have done like this.
Moving on, its SNOWING outside... it is MAY!!! Today I met my Mum and she brought me up my Dads old camera tripod from the early 90'2, its actually in really good condition so that was a nice surprise. I decided to go for an outfit that was a bit darker as the weather isn't exactly floral dress and sandals kind of weather, so I dragged this wee denim shirt back out which was worn alot through winter and teamed it with my H&M jersey skirt, cant go wrong with a black skirt if you ask me. 
I'm going to the cinema tonight to see salmon fishing on the Yemen so thought the outfit could go from lunch with my Mum to the cinema at night.
Last night I put an absolute hoard of stuff on eBay, phoning my Mum back and forwards to get the right sizes and condition (I stupidly took it all back to mum and dads house to clear some space from my flat). Need to make some pennies for the big move down south. 

A bit lost...

A few people have asked how to actually follow our blog, to be honest we weren't quite sure ourselves but I think the easiest way is to sign up to bloglovin (also come in an app for smart phones) then all you need to do is search for AMBRISSA.blogspot.co.uk and click follow, that way it gives updates of when we have done a new blog post and what not without having to sign up to a Google account and then a blog account to then be able to follow blogs.
Hope this helps :-)
The bloggersphere is very confusing right now.

Amber &Marissa

12 May 2012

Rings Rings Rings

As promised multiple times here is our first proper blog post :-)
Please excuse the over exposure in the picture of the rings, definitley need to ask Santa for a new camera.
Obviously Marissa and I cant be together at all times so we will quite often have separate posts but that just doubles the fun if you ask me.

Anyhoo, in the post this morning I got a wee package and couldn't for the life of me think what it could be because I had only ordered things about 2 days ago and post is never that fast here... I was "TOTES" chuffed to open up these amazing rings from JWLRY, a blog shop run by the known blogger LLYMLRS.
I'm usually a gold kind of jewelry wearer, the tackier the better if you ask me, quite often mix my metals as well. I loved these and kept going back to them then decided I had to have them, for all 5 it only cost me £10 and as I said the postage was super fast. The rings are really good quality and look pretty expensive, which is a rare to find with costume jewelry. Also love the adjustable band as it means my wee fingers and my fat fingers (yes, you read it right, i have abnormal hands) can be adorned with these amazing rings on every finger (yeah because that would look super cool). 
Definitely going to repurchase from JWLRY, kept going back to the site and pondering on whether or not to just buy them or not, SO glad I did :-)
I was in LUSH this morning and a lady even interrupted the lady serving me to ask where my rings were from (the ones I wore today are shown in the first picture). Proud moment I must say.
In some ways I love when people stop me to ask where something I'm wearing is from, it can be quite flattering, somebody is H&M also asked me where my necklace was from (good day today), its from Topshop and its only £3.50 in the sale... yes please! (I dont have a link as its sold out on the website) 
I was planning on doing an outfit post too but my camera failed me and its battery died (another reason to speak to Santa) and when I got home I had to do some serious cleaning as I have been really lazy since I handed in my dissertation, its my holiday time as far as I'm concerned but we do have people coming to view our flat tomorrow so, needs must. 
Possibly going to the cinema tonight to see salmon fishing on the Yemen I'm sure that is what its called? so I will try and get my camera going for that.

Over the next few weeks there will probably be a lot of font, signature and general changes of the blog as we settle ourselves into doing it regularly, and getting into the swing of the bloggers world.


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