9 Jun 2012

If My Name Was On A Tshirt

T shirt- H&M
Skirt- H&M
Belt- Topshop
Watching- Super Nanny (again)
Continuing my INSPIRATION week (decided to do it as a week thingy and then maybe do them every once in a while) I decided to do a post inspired by fellow blogger Alice from SHADENFREUDE, I was looking through all her outfit posts the other night and noticed how well she pulls of full skirts and slogan T's so I thought I would try a bit of both... was going to wear my Ramones T but I have already worn it with this skirt so didn't think it would quite fit for this post. I also don't even know what my T shirt says but it has little balls of wool on it and its just so cute, i think it says "difference". Alice's outfits are always so well put together and I loved rummaging my wardrobe to find an outfit inspired by her look. I wanted to wear a cute blouse and really steal her look but I thought I would try and take bits from her different posts and make something my own, although looking at it I wish I had gone for a blouse. (BOO)
My pictures just weren't working and I think its because my hair is up funny and made me look like I had a pin head, as you do. So these were the only two were my head looks a normalish size. 
Not even kidding but E4 is driving me mad just now, they repeat Gok Wan and Super Nanny twice before lunch time and then repeat How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang Theory in the mornings and at night... what is going on?
What are your fave things to watch on tele just now? I need some new TV.
Amber x


  1. Aw I love this look! The skirt is so cute with the belt, and I have a necklace just like that :)
    Urgh I hate how e4 repeats Big Bang Theory - I go to watch it while I'm going to sleep and I realise it's the same! xoxo

    1. Thaaanks it was inspired haha.
      It's so annoying!!! I need to find some new shows to watch. Repeats are getting to me. Xxx

    2. I know and MIC is over now, sob (I know I'm sad). Do you watch New Girl? xoxo

    3. GUTTED MIC has finished again. That seemed like such a short series! YES cant wait for it to start again!!! any idea when?xxx

  2. Gorgeous outfit, just found your blog & lovee it! :) xx

    1. Aw thank you, that's so nice. It's nice to get noticed in a such a huge sea of bloggers ha xxx

  3. love this outfit! omg i know what the hell i was like did i change to e4+1, still watched both the gok wans and both super nannys haha!! - oh its hayley slattery:)) its on anonymous and wont change for some wierd reason! xx

    1. Thanks :)
      Its so annoying huh?Im so sick of super nanny and Gok, used to like them but now they are so over played.
      Aw Im not actually sure how to fix that ha? xxx

  4. i wanted to kill that teenager amanda 14 and talking to everybody like that haha! i love goks fashion roadshows they are the best and he does some DIY! some tips for your next DIY week:-) hate how to look good naked so much for some reason. yeah i think its just my ipod app. xx

    1. I KNOW!!! She was so rude! I would never talk to my mum like that.
      I used to love it, but the repeats are ruining it for me :(


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