3 Jul 2012

Lost In The Distance

Skirt- Topshop 
Blouse- Primark 
Belt- Vintage 
 Watching- Jay play FIFA 
Please excuse the dodgy iphone pic at the bottom, I've been trialing a new makeup/skin care routine and so far so good so I thought I would share but I will try and do a post all about it when I get chance.
Ok so first off I want so a massive sorry for being MIA the last few weeks as you all know (maybe) I've just done a big move down to England. The journey took us 10 hours on Friday and I have never really driven more than 3 hours on my own so 10 was exhausting, I felt like I hadn't even shut my eyes before I was up again to start my new job on the Saturday morning, so as you can imagine the run up to the move was hecktic enough never mind adding in both our graduations to top it all off then starting a new job before i had calmed down from the week befores events I had to say bye to all my friends which was heartbreaking as I thought I had so much more time THEN saying bye to my mum and dad was just even more horrible. Mum cried then made me cry and it went on like that for a few hours while packing the last bits of the flat bearing in mind I had just got back from graduation so was already tired. GAWD! 
Anyhoo... I am attempting to do this blogpost on our new IPad (if you follow me on Instagram @ambrissa you will have seen my lovely graduation gifts) so if it goes horribly wrong I apologise although I think ill finish it on my laptop. This is one of the outfits I've worn for my new job training, we have to wear black boo. Yet another quick post to say hey and I am alive I do have a couple of posts that I've managed to take pictures for but as you can imagine I have nowhere that I quite think my tripod will go quite yet as its all still very up in arms. 
At some point this week I'll do a long post with lots of Instagram pics to catch y'all up on the life of Amber and the outfits that went with it ha. 
So until then thanks for being patient and heeeeey new followers :) 
Is there anything anyone would like to see more of on my blog?


  1. I seriously love your vintage belt! makes me so jealous every time i see it in your outfit pics aha! what did you do your degree in? very well done for the new job and move!



    1. Aw thank you :) it was a great find but a girl I know from instagram got the exact same belt from a charity shop up the road couldn't believe it ha.
      It was in Retail Marketing so we got class trips to asda haha.
      Thanks :) it weird being in a real job ha xxx


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