18 Jul 2012

THIS is my face. Sorry.

Benefit Hello Flawless Oxygen Wow Foundation, MAC All That Glitters Eyeshadow, MAC Crosswires Lipstick, Lancôme Dolls Eyes Mascara and MAC Dainty Blush

Ok so we are in day 2 of my makeup challenge and today I only wore 5 pieces if makeup as you can see. I took this at the end of shift so I look a bit bedraggled and it's in a...ahem... Toilet...classy. You get the general idea though.
I think my mascara had been washed off in the horrendous storm by then as well so really isn't my most flattering picture but I am not the most photogenic of the human race so I took what I got when I got it.
Anyway onto the interesting stuff... Maybe. I wore my Crosswires lipstick today as I don't think it's gets to see the light of day as often as it should because I absolutely love it, for some reason it always seems to get pushed to the back of my collection. I thought it had just enough colour in it to go with my attempt at a natural face.
I am also loving MACs mineralise blushes just now, I'm wearing dainty today and also have gleeful (a dark burnt orangey pink) and the heavenly creatures SuperNova mentioned here. They have such a gorgeous shimmer to them but it's subtle it's just lovely.
I am also using my tester of benefits new flawless foundation which I really like but again I have super oily skin so it's not the easiest for me to wear without having to touch up my face with powder on my lunch break.

Does anybody have any tips for natural makeup or an oily skin remedy???
I would love some input in the comments.
I lost a reader yesterday :( its like being dumped.
Any ideas and or tips for the log would be really appreciated!!!


1 comment:

  1. for an oily skin remedy, i carry pieces of toilet seat covers with me and simply dab my skin. cute blog girl :)



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